If you can’t do what you want, do what you can. Words that have been a part of my life for a very long time. I couldn’t begin to count the times in my life that I have found it necessary to adapt my plans to this idea. Like it or not, there are times when we must adapt to circumstances, and the ability to do that means the difference in our happiness to misery quotient. Needless to say, I have not always been able to do that to the same degree. I believe this falls in line with the Christophers slogan, “It is better to light one small candle, than curse the darkness.”
How many times are we frustrated because we want to do something, and for various reasons, we can’t? So, do we complain? Make a fuss? Do either help? Perhaps they help a little in the sense that we might have released some tension. If we really can’t do what we want to do, whether it is achieving a goal; or alleviating a troublesome situation, what can we do instead?
If we can’t do a specific thing concerning the specific subject of what we want to do, perhaps we can do something else towards the same purpose, while waiting to do what was originally planned. As things work out, it sometimes happens that the original want might no longer be of importance to us after all.
If we can’t do anything at all concerning the plan we had in mind, perhaps what we can do involves something else entirely. And who knows where that will lead? It might lead to something that will help in getting on with what we wanted to do originally. Or it might turn into something else altogether, developing into a new B & B. No, not a bed and breakfast; Blessings and Benefits.
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