Out with the old, in with the new! Happy New Year to all I hope 2011 ends well for all of you and 2012 begins the same, and continues to be even more so.
2011 has been a trying year for our country and the world in general. Many weather tragedies occurred in the US as well as other countries, with the tornado in Joplin, Missouri at the top of the unwanted list for us, with the many deaths and destruction. Much suffering and unrest has occurred around the world. Yes, I am a loyal, patriotic American. Like it or not, and I don’t, in this present-day world we live in, we are affected by what happens in the rest of the world, and what we do affects many other countries.
We share the planet with many others. If you believe in creation, as many say you do, then God is responsible for everyone in this world, everywhere. If God is responsible for all creation, then why are some so mean and others not? Oh yes, ‘free will.’ We freely get ourselves into all kinds of trouble.
I am disturbed by the militant Christian who rants, raves, shouts and uses ugly word protesting what he/she feels is discrimination against Christians. In a simple example, I’ll go back a few years, when many put bumper stickers on their car that said, “If you love Jesus, honk!” Well that day, I decided to honk. The driver responded with very rude words and gestures. A Christian demonstration? Are we convincing anyone we’re a Christian with our words and actions? It's that "Walks like a duck, talks like a duck" thing. Oh, I know no one is perfect, but maybe we could be a little less imperfect?
Many have had personal tragedies in their families this past year, as mine has. The loss of jobs and homes has, and is being borne by many. Which way to turn? Wet to do? How to keep your family fed, housed and closed, not to mention healthy?
One of the seven deadly sins is greed. I believe that one of the reasons for our current financial situation is corporate/investor greed. Not satisfied with a good, healthy profit, but pushing for a bigger and bigger profit. There is nothing wrong with making money, making money is a good thing, depending on what you have to do to get it, and who you have to walk on. The Bible says that the love of money is the root of all evil, not money itself, but the love of it, when you are willing to do anything to get it.
Wherever you are, whoever you are, whatever your life was in 2011, my hope for you is a better 2012. Please, have a safe and happy New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.
Have you heard of “Do One Nice Thing?” One woman’s [Debbie Tenzer’s] attempt to make the world a better place by doing an act of kindness for someone, somewhere; simple or more complex. Is there a good deed you can do? Even a small deed will make a difference to someone. I’ll leave you with an old adage, “If you would change the world, first change yourself.”
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