Sunday, November 8, 2009

Low Mileage Driving

This past Thursday I had my car serviced for winter, and also had it inspected so I could renew my car license, which is due this month. Since the time has passed for warranty servicing, I usually have my car serviced in the spring and in the fall. This past spring I didn’t have it serviced, since I had driven it so little after the advent of the shingles last November. I last had the car serviced the week before Thanksgiving 2008. The number of miles put on the car in this past year is unbelievable. I’m sure I must have set a record for low mileage driving over the period of a year; so low, that I won’t even admit what it is. is really, really low, but you're under quite a bit. When they finished inspecting my car, the service manager handed me the papers and said, "Your car is in good shape; just as good as it was --- miles ago."


  1. I'm going to guess that it is under a hundred miles. Am I close?

  2. It was really, really low, but not quite as low as your guess. If you had guessed right, I would have told you. For now, I'll tell you when I talk to you, but won't publish the exact number here just yet.


"Be ca'am, be as ca'am as you can. And, if you can't be ca'am, be as ca'am as you can." Reputedly, advice from an old New Englander on staying cool, calm and collected.