Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Day Out

My day out was only about an hour; it just seemed like a day. I went to Walmart for the first time in at least a year and a half. That is a really big store! It seemed even bigger than it was before, and I had to walk from one end of the store to another to get the various things I needed.

For the past year or so, my shopping forays have all been in the near vicinity to where I live. Originally, I only planned to go to the grocery store because my milk jug was empty, but there were a couple of things I couldn’t find at nearby stores. The temperature was supposed to move up to about 40 degrees, so I decided it might be a good time to scoot out to Walmart. I could pick up the other things I needed and get the milk as well. [It's funny how a simple trip to the store for one or two items works its way up to $50 to $100.]

The weather wasn’t too bad and surprisingly enough the parking space in front of my villa was open when I returned. That was a plus! I picked up some ‘little drumsticks’ at the deli, which were very good, as well as a pumpkin pie from the nearby bakery department. That made a good lunch when I got back home. I had been home maybe half an hour when it began to snow like crazy. It is still doing so, but not as heavily. The snow is melting as it hits the street, but is accumulating a bit on the grassy areas.

So, what is in store for the rest of the day: Reading, a bit of crocheting [I’m making some pink and white caps for cancer patients and/or cancer supporters.] It is one of the “Do One Nice Thing” projects that I thought I would do, though I can’t crochet too long at any one time. A little work on the computer, and so on, as the spirit moves me.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Double Dipping Chips: In A Word - DON’T!

Do you double dip? Do you pick up a chip, stick it in the dip, doing the same again, with the chip you had just taken a bite from? If so, you really should have seen the last part of the Dr. Oz show this morning. If you didn’t see it, you might try to find the segment on That is the problem I have with the web page. I don’t always see the show either, or I see a part of a segment that I want to find out more about. I sometimes have a problem finding the info I’m looking for on the page.

This morning they showed illustrations of the kinds of bacteria produced in a person’s mouth, which was then transferred to dip, some of which can have very serious consequences. They also showed several bowls of dip from a get-together. Everybody loved it and everybody ‘dipped’ in. And spread some not so good stuff.

Do you do your double dipping when at a party representing other households, or when only your own family is involved? Even then, keep in mind that you or your family members probably have been in contact with other places, other people, and other households. Hands have touched other possible sources of bacteria outside your home. Returning family members bring something from their contacts with them, as well as the guests in your home. Scary, isn't it!

Another source of trouble is the kind of dish that holds mini candies, or perhaps nuts, that people stick their fingers into and pick up a few bits, while the next person comes along and does the same. A great possibility for passing along those nasty looking, though unseen bugs waiting to attack anyone they can grab on to.

A couple of common sense things can be done that will circumvent the UGLIES to some degree. Wash your hands when you get home after being out. Remember when your mother said, “Wash your hands before you eat. Wash your hands before you set the table. Wash your hands before you prepare food for yourself or anyone else.” Get the picture.

Hint: Be sure you have small plates by the bowl of chips and dip and the nuts or candies. Put a suitable picker-upper in the chips, so people won’t stick their hands in that bowl. Have a spoon in the dip, so family/guests will understand they need to put the dip in the plate. Also have a suitable scoop in the nuts or candies bowl, with small dishes beside them. Okay! So set them up! Remove the temptation! Such small things to do that can be a big thing on your personal health front.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Errands: Two Day Deal

Yesterday was errand day again. I hadn’t been out and about in the car since New Year’s Day, before the advent of the snow and brrrr cold weather. With today’s weather warnings, we can know in advance when the weather and roads will be bad, so we have a chance to get in the necessities to tide us over. If I don’t have to go out, I don’t. In addition my son called to see if I needed anything, but as it happened I didn't. I don’t see any point in getting out in the bitter cold and cleaning the snow or ice off the car if I’m not going anywhere. As the weather warms up and/or the sun comes out, I let the warmer temperatures do the job for me. The sun took off most of the snow on my car, plus I saw someone brush off some of it on the east side of the car! Much of the snow had melted on the west side.

The temperatures were in the thirties, there was no cold wind to contend with, and six stops had accumulated. Since one of those stops was the grocery store, I decided to cut the stops in half because that one alone tires me out. There was an open parking space in front of my villa, so I didn’t have to park at the curb, carry the bags in, and then find another space to park, down the block. I still have three more errands to do, so that means I have to go out again. The rest of the week is supposed to be even warmer than yesterday, so that’s good.

I’m grateful that I can still get out if, and when I want to, or need to. And for the fact, that in Missouri, we know the temperatures will change for the better. I’m also grateful for children who are willing to help if, or when I need them to.

Errands - Part Two: Temperatures are warmer, but damp cold. I went back out to try to finish the second half of the three erands I didn't do earlier this week. Meanwhile, three more jobs cropped up. While out today, I did two of the errands I didn't get done on my earlier foray, pushed back one task yet again, and did one of the newer things that had cropped up. So, I'm still three errands behind. Maybe no new things to do will pop up before I go out again, and on my next trip out I can cross the current three jobs off the list, and end up with zerio errands to do - until the cycle begins again.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Cold Weather Idea

What am I doing in this super cold weather? Making a hat. Why? The above occupation was inspired by the extremely cold temperatures we’re now having and the fact that the two knit hats I own, have chosen to keep themselves hidden from me when I actually need them.

I don’t like to wear anything on my head, and usually don’t, except that I did in the dim, distant past when everyone wore a scarf if it was windy, cold, raining etc. And even in this cold, if I were just dashing [if an almost 84 year old can be said to dash] across the street for the mail, I probably wouldn’t bother. But walking down to the end of my block to the trash dumpster, and especially walking back with that wind out of the west hitting me head on, I really wouldn’t mind wearing something on my head. But, alas there was no hat to be found.

That led me to look in some of the ‘closet bags’ to see if I could find enough yarn to make a hat. For the most part, I stopped crocheting years ago when my hands became too painful after only a few minutes. I gave away almost all of the yarn I still had on hand. But a hat shouldn’t take too much time. I didn’t find any complete skeins of yarn, but did find some already crocheted swatches that I had intending for an afghan at one time. So I thought, what can I do with that? I had some small balls of yarn in a contrasting color, so began putting the swatches together to see how it would work out. The swatches have been ‘whip-stitched’ together, and the bottom is finished. All that is left now is to decide how I want to finish the top and sides of this weather-inspired hat. So far, it is working out fairly well, but I would have chosen a different color if I had begun it from scratch.

Within minutes my forefinger became numb, which occurs with pressure on my fingertips since the advent of the shingles last year. Even have to watch out for overuse of the computer mouse. Restrictions! Bah, humbug! So, I probably won’t be going back to crocheting much, but maybe I can get this small project finished without aggravating those nerve endings too much.

Note: The hat is finished now; it will be warm, and doesn't have to stretch to make room for your head/hair. How will I look in it? Welll! That reminds me of what I heard a woman on an MSNBC news show say a couple of days ago. She had said something about the cold in Chicago, and her male partner on the show made a remark about looking cute. She said there is no such thing as cute in the cold in Chicago when you're trying to be warm. These previous words are not verbatim, but the gist of what was said. Children are cute when they're all bundled up for the snow and cold. The rest of us just do the best we can.

Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year - January 1, 2010

What about this new year? Do you feel a renewed sense of purpose at the beginning of a new year? Do you feel hope? Do you feel disappointment? Are there some old thoughts or prejudices that should be jettisoned? Do you think, “Oh boy, I have another chance to reshape a part of myself with which I am not 100% happy?”

How about New Year’s resolutions? Do you make them? Do you keep them? I’ve heard people say, “I don’t make New Years’ resolutions, because I just break them.” Perhaps that’s true, and perhaps some of them are not realistic. But – if they have a good purpose, aren’t you better off for having done them for whatever time you did keep them? Sometimes I make resolutions, and sometimes I don’t. I have made one so far, which has three parts to it. Will I fail? I don’t know, but I will certainly try to maintain it. It’s like being on a diet and breaking it, then giving in to old habits. You don’t have to do that, you can just revert to it again the next day.

The above is looking ahead. Now, let’s take a look back. In one of my Christmas blogs, I told you about our custom of setting out our Christmas shoe boxes again on New Year’s Eve. Now to New Year’s Day: Irish superstitions abounded in our household in the old days. I don’t know if that is where the following came from or not. The saying was that whatever you did on New Year's Day would set the pattern for what you did all year. So, we did the necessary work we had to do to be clean, warm, fed and clothed. Then we crowded in as many things as we could that were fun to do. We were keen on setting that part of the saying in motion.

In my own household, I pretty much did the same, doing what needed to be done, then rest, relax, play games, call someone I hadn’t talked to in a while,doing whatever appealed at the time. After my children left home, whenever else I may have talked to them, I made a point of calling them on the phone on New Year’s Day. So that is one of the things I will be doing later today.

What about today? I cooked food yesterday that is more than enough for dinner, so I won’t need to cook much, and it’s too cold to go out just for fun, for this person. However, if I want the light bulb replaced in my dining area, I will need to go out and buy more, but may put it off another day or so. There are four of these flood lights in that area, and one of the bulbs went out about Christmas. Harold changed it for me after they got here. Maintenance does it, but with the extra work on the icy/snowy street and walks, I figured it would be several days before he got to it. Usually, when one of these bulbs goes out, the others follow suit, with maybe a week or two in between. They are high enough that I can’t begin to reach them with my two-step ladder.

I don’t keep a lot of these bulbs on hand, because of the limited storage space.I thought I had two of them, but if so it is eluding me. As luck would have it, the second light went out about a half hour after Barbara and Harold left.

Let’s hope 2010 will be a better year than 2009 for everyone. One of the things I would like to see is a lessening of the kind of opinion emails I get by the dozens, which are presented as fact. Many are full of distortions, sometimes outright lies, which generates, or perpetuates angry and bitter feelings,may and sometimes does, lead to improper conclusions or actions.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to any and all who may read this.
"Be ca'am, be as ca'am as you can. And, if you can't be ca'am, be as ca'am as you can." Reputedly, advice from an old New Englander on staying cool, calm and collected.