Friday, January 21, 2011

Staying Inside on a Cold Day Outside

Several inches of snow on the ground and the temperature in the teens—a perfect day not to go outside if you don’t have to. And hot soup seems to be the perfect accompaniment for such a day. I decided this would be a good day for potato soup. Then I looked in the cupboard and found I had one potato and one onion. One onion was okay, but one potato wouldn’t go very far, would it?

I don’t buy a lot of those items at one time because they tend to go bad before I can use them all. I usually buy only a few at a time. However, when the grocer has a bag of potatoes for $1.00 or $1.99, I buy them anyway, because even if I can’t use them all before they go bad, I more than get my money’s worth, over buying them individually.

I thought I still had several potatoes from my most recent purchase, but it seems not. At first I thought, oh well, I’ll just have to do something else. My next thought was: one person, not a large eater, really wouldn’t need much, so why not see what I could do with one potato and one onion.

When I make soup, I like to make enough for at least two or three servings, so after it started cooking, I began to think of what I could do to make a bit more. I decided to throw in some broccoli, seasoned it to my taste, and when it was done cooking, I added some cheese. It all turned out to be good choices and my taste buds are well pleased. If only other choices would work so well at times!

Later this afternoon, i think I’ll make some cornbread to go along with another bowl of soup for supper, maybe have some broiled tilapia, and that will take care of that. I hope your cold day is a good one for you.

1 comment:

  1. It may have been a cold day but while you found a way to "warm up" with a bowl of soup, your story of the making of the soup has surely warmed up everyone who read it!


"Be ca'am, be as ca'am as you can. And, if you can't be ca'am, be as ca'am as you can." Reputedly, advice from an old New Englander on staying cool, calm and collected.