Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Double Dipping Chips: In A Word - DON’T!

Do you double dip? Do you pick up a chip, stick it in the dip, doing the same again, with the chip you had just taken a bite from? If so, you really should have seen the last part of the Dr. Oz show this morning. If you didn’t see it, you might try to find the segment on That is the problem I have with the web page. I don’t always see the show either, or I see a part of a segment that I want to find out more about. I sometimes have a problem finding the info I’m looking for on the page.

This morning they showed illustrations of the kinds of bacteria produced in a person’s mouth, which was then transferred to dip, some of which can have very serious consequences. They also showed several bowls of dip from a get-together. Everybody loved it and everybody ‘dipped’ in. And spread some not so good stuff.

Do you do your double dipping when at a party representing other households, or when only your own family is involved? Even then, keep in mind that you or your family members probably have been in contact with other places, other people, and other households. Hands have touched other possible sources of bacteria outside your home. Returning family members bring something from their contacts with them, as well as the guests in your home. Scary, isn't it!

Another source of trouble is the kind of dish that holds mini candies, or perhaps nuts, that people stick their fingers into and pick up a few bits, while the next person comes along and does the same. A great possibility for passing along those nasty looking, though unseen bugs waiting to attack anyone they can grab on to.

A couple of common sense things can be done that will circumvent the UGLIES to some degree. Wash your hands when you get home after being out. Remember when your mother said, “Wash your hands before you eat. Wash your hands before you set the table. Wash your hands before you prepare food for yourself or anyone else.” Get the picture.

Hint: Be sure you have small plates by the bowl of chips and dip and the nuts or candies. Put a suitable picker-upper in the chips, so people won’t stick their hands in that bowl. Have a spoon in the dip, so family/guests will understand they need to put the dip in the plate. Also have a suitable scoop in the nuts or candies bowl, with small dishes beside them. Okay! So set them up! Remove the temptation! Such small things to do that can be a big thing on your personal health front.

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"Be ca'am, be as ca'am as you can. And, if you can't be ca'am, be as ca'am as you can." Reputedly, advice from an old New Englander on staying cool, calm and collected.